(Redirected from Blog/2012-05-18)
Welcome to www.hollenback.net: This Thing's Been Up For Over Twenty Years!
- 12/18/24: Still here.
- 11/08/22: Oh look I'm on Mastodon now.
- 04/16/20: I hope everyone is doing ok during the current coronavirus pandemic.
- 05/08/19: I'm not dead yet!
- 03/19/16: Hey there, just wanted to say that this website is still going strong. Check out some of my recent pages.
- 12/15/15: I just wanted to mention that Nethack 3.6.0 has been released.
- 10/14/15: Finally upgraded phpwiki and made this website semi functional again.
- 02/24/12: Moved to my own VPS and upgraded to latest phpwiki with a new theme.
- 03/03/11: Be sure to check out the articles below, I've been writing a lot of blog posts over the last few months.
- 12/27/10: Survived another insane year. Highlights: another baby boy (healthy & happy), wrote & presented a paper at a technical conference.
- 01/20/10: I finally got my followup to Big City Baby written - Big City Toddler!
- OlderUpdates
General Interest
- My thoughts on NASA and attending the SpaceX NASASocialMeetup.
- Designing and building a Makeup Mirror Battlestation.
- Husqvanra Viking Designer 1 Sewing Machine Repair Manuals.
- Some ThoughtsOnMentalHeath.
- The Glory of My Walk to the Store Last Night.
- Guess what? I suck at Caltrain.
- I made some baby food and took some pictures!
- Why are old toys better than new ones?
- Thanks for making my child cry, E*TRADE.
- Ever had an ocular migraine? It's pretty freaky.
- How to survive having a baby in the city.
- OlderGeneralInterest
Geek Stuff
- Used cable modems may not work if you switch providers.
- Let's do an SRE Coding Screen together!
- My Complete Guide To Hacking Your Nintendo Wii.
- Automating my 15 year old Roku Streaming Music Player.
- My thoughts on Hue and Zigbee Home Automation.
- Hacking the lights on my Ford Transit Connect.
- Securing Apache, Dovecot, and Sendmail with Let's Encrypt.
- Monitoring Artifactory with JMX and Datadog.
- How to always launch screen when you ssh in to a host.
- How to make a java app work with self signed certificates and LDAP.
- Bundler actually does have a timeout.
- Setting up the Dahua IPC-HFW4300s camera.
- How Outsiders perceive the devops movement.
- The question is who does your deployments?
- Ugly Solutions Need Love Too.
- Let me tell you about the Awesome List.
- Devops is here whether you like it or not.
- I'm a terrible windows administrator.
- Send your command-line data as mime parts with perl.
- Instructions for installing Request Tracker 4 on CentOS 5.
- How do you make sure something doesn't execute on 10,000 servers all at once? Spread the load on your servers.
- OlderGeekStuff
Mastodon Verification