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The **~MediawikiTable** [[Help:WikiPlugin|plugin]] allows a user to specify a ##<table>## with (a subset of) the syntax used by Mediawiki. The plugin is not meant to be called directly, just use the syntax below to insert your table. == Mediawiki table syntax == * The table starts with a line ##{|##. * An optional table caption is made with a line starting with a pipe and a plus sign ##|+## followed by the caption. * A table row starts with a pipe and a hyphen: ##|-##. * A table cell starts with a pipe on a new line, or a double bar ##||## on the same line. * A header table cell starts with an exclamation mark, or a double exclamation mark ##!!## on the same line. * The table ends with a line ##|}##. If the first row of the table as made with header cells only, this row will be put in a //thead//. In that case, this row will be repeated on every page when printing the table. === HTML attributes === {| class="bordered" |- ! Attribute ! Syntax |- | For the table | {{{ {| border="1" }}} |- | For the caption | {{{ |+ style="font-weight: bold;" }}} |- | For a row | {{{ |- style="height:100px" }}} |- | For a cell | {{{ | align="right" | Cell 2 (right aligned) }}} |} The attributes might be put with or without double quotes. === Predefined CSS classes === If you do not specify a class for the table, it will be rendered without border. ==== Boxed and bordered tables ==== If you specify ##class="boxed"##, you will have a border around the table (but not around the cells). If you specify ##class="bordered"##, you will have a border around the table and the cells In both cases, the caption (if any) will be bold and centered under the table In both cases, the headers (specified by ##!##) will have a ##"#d8d8d8"## background ==== Sortable tables ==== If you specify ##class="sortable"##, the table columns will be sortable. An icon will be put in the headers to show the table is sortable. Clicking on a column header will sort that column. You can sort multiple columns with shift click. ==== Do not break table when printing ==== If you specify ##class="nobreak"##, the table will not be cut when printed (if your browser supports it). == Examples == === Example 1: simple table === {| border="1" style="width: 100%" |+ style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%;" | This is the table caption |- style="white-space: nowrap" ! Header 1 ! Header 2 ! Header 3 |- style=height:100px | Cell I | **Cell II**, in bold |align=right width="100%" |Cell III |- bgcolor=#f0f0ff align=center |Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3 |} The above table is rendered from: {{{ {| border="1" style="width: 100%" |+ style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%;" | This is the table caption |- style="white-space: nowrap" ! Header 1 ! Header 2 ! Header 3 |- style=height:100px | Cell I | **Cell II**, in bold |align=right width="100%" |Cell III |- bgcolor=#f0f0ff align=center |Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3 |} }}} === Example 2: table with paragraphs, lists and plugins in cells === {| |- style="white-space: nowrap" ! Header 1 ! Header 2 |- bgcolor=yellow | First paragraph. Second paragraph. | * One * Two * Three |- bgcolor=#f0f0ff align=center |Current date || <<CurrentTime format=date>> |} The above table is rendered from: {{{ {| |- style="white-space: nowrap" ! Header 1 ! Header 2 |- bgcolor=yellow | First paragraph. Second paragraph. | * One * Two * Three |- bgcolor=#f0f0ff align=center |Current date || <<CurrentTime format=date>> |} }}} === Example 3: sortable table === Click on a column header to sort the column. Clicking a second time will reverse the sorting order. {| class="bordered sortable" |- ! First name !! Name !! Age |- | John || Smith || 35 |- | Albert || Wells || 5 |- | Sam || Adam || 102 |} The above table is rendered from: {{{ {| class="bordered sortable" |- ! First name !! Name !! Age |- | John || Smith || 35 |- | Albert || Wells || 5 |- | Sam || Adam || 102 |} }}} === Example 4: nested tables === <<MediawikiTable {| class="bordered" align=center |+ Outer table caption |- ! Header A !! Header B |- | A numbered list: # one # two # three | This cell contains a nested table. {| class="bordered" |+ Inner table caption |- ! Header A ! Header B |- | Inner A1 | Inner B1 |- | Inner A2 | Inner B2 |} |- | A paragraph Another paragraph | A plain list: * apple * pear * apricot |} >> The above table is rendered from: {{{ <<MediawikiTable {| class="bordered" align=center |+ Outer table caption |- ! Header A !! Header B |- | A numbered list: # one # two # three | This cell contains a nested table. {| class="bordered" |+ Inner table caption |- ! Header A ! Header B |- | Inner A1 | Inner B1 |- | Inner A2 | Inner B2 |} |- | A paragraph Another paragraph | A plain list: * apple * pear * apricot |} >> }}} == Author == * Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent == See Also == * [[|Mediawiki table help page]] <noinclude> ---- [[PhpWikiDocumentation]] [[CategoryWikiPlugin]] </noinclude>
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