PhpWiki Warning: (2, htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/XmlElement.php, 198) HollenbackDotNet - Help / Semantic Relations


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The PhpWiki:SemanticWeb implementation follows closely the implementation of the semantic mediawiki extension. It features:

  • Annotation of article-article-links by means of configurable relations (link-types).
  • Annotation of articles with simple data-values that are assigned to numeric attributes.
  • Support for using physical units of measurement in all numerical attributes, without need for prior configuration.

Relations can be searched for with regular expressions, attributes can be searched for with full mathematical expressions.

The annotation data will be combined with annotations from the current category system to generate standard-compliant OWL/RDF output, which can be fully processed with tools that support OWL DL or OWL Lite, but which can also be treated in a meaningful way by software that supports RDF, RDFS or XML.


Relations (link-types) are defined as link with the following syntax:



Attributes are defined as link to numbers (understandable by GNU Units) with the following markup syntax:


Attributes and relations refer only to the current page - the current page is the subject, the relation the predicate, the linked page the object in a RDF triple. Relations always refer to another page, attributes not.


Sample taken from

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lib/XmlElement.php:198 Warning: "htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument"