PhpWiki Warning: (512, Unsupported argument: format=printable, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/display.php, 443) HollenbackDotNet - Who Is Near By Rss


I'm experimenting with GeoURL, a service that maps websites in the real world. You put your lattitude and longitude in a meta tag and then tell the webserver.

One problem is lots of people screw up the numbers (like they forget minus signs). That's why a number of websites in Germany appear to be neighbors of mine.

You're supposed to use the coordinates that best represent your website, not your server. Physically my server is in Ohio or something, but I'm in NYC and my website is mostly about my interests, so that seemed the logical place to site it.

PhpWiki Warning: (2, fopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/XmlParser.php, 160)
PhpWiki Warning: (2, fopen(;format=rss10): failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/XmlParser.php, 160)
PhpWiki Warning: (1024, Error parse url;format=rss10, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/XmlParser.php, 161)
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lib/display.php:443 Warning: "Unsupported argument: format=printable"

lib/XmlParser.php (In template 'body' < 'html'):160 Warning: "fopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname"