
2011 Day 11 - Simple Disk-Based Server Backups with rsnapshot

This was written by Phil Hollenback (

I've helped a friend administer the network at his engineering firm for about 10 years. For most of that time, they've used a standard Amanda configuration with a separate backup server and a DAT drive. That setup worked well enough as long as someone remembered to swap the tape every day and occasionally run the cleaning tape.

However, this backup system suffered from a few serious limitations:

  • Annoyingly difficult to retrieve individual backup files for users
  • 20GB tape size required small filesystems and other 'creative' tricks

There was also a desire to simplify the configuration and eliminate the standalone backup server. With those goals in mind I set out to find a suitable replacement system.

Physical Media

The big change compared to ten years ago is the easy availability of very large and inexpensive external hard drives. This site is a small company so price is a major factor, and larger tape systems were just too expensive compared to large drives. At the time this system was being considered (2008), you could buy 500GB SATA drives for around US$120. Compare this to many thousands of dollars for a larger capacity tape system and media.

Based on this, we purchased two 500GB SATA drives and two external SATA/USB enclosures for the backup system. The plan was to rotate the drives every few days and assign someone to take the spare drive home in case the office burned down.

I should also note that this site was and is connected to the internet with consumer DSL, so the very slow upload speeds prevented use of network backups.

Backup Software

We knew we wanted a backup mechanism that would copy important user data to the external drive at regular intervals. Bare metal restore capability was judged unimportant because the main server that was being backed up was a stock CentOS box. Backing up user data and system config files was enough of a safeguard, especially since the filesystems were already running on RAID1.

Of course the other criteria was that the software needed to be free as in beer and free as in Richard Stallman. Google quickly told us we should look at rsnapshot.

Hot Swap

This small site did not have a lot of technical expertise other than my friend who served as a part-time sysadmin. We needed to find a solution that was as simple and bulletproof as possible, particularly for swapping out the external drives. This meant hot swap and a system that could handle being unplugged any time backups weren't actually running. I decided to use the autofs automounter to keep the drive unmounted when it was inactive.

We had hoped to use eSATA as the hot swap mechanism to maximize throughput, but that proved unworkable. The CentOS 4 server would autodetect the drive and load the appropriate storage drivers. However, it refused to disconnect the drive and would spew console errors if you then manually unplugged it. While I suspected this might be fixed in a newer Linux distro, we didn't want to go through the effort of upgrading the server to something like CentOS 5. Instead, we tried a USB2.0 connection since the external drive enclosures we had purchased supported that as well as eSATA. USB hotplug worked just fine - as long as the filesystem wasn't mounted, you could plug and unplug all day long. Since this was just a backup system on a small office server, the speed of USB2.0 has proven to be just fine.

Configuring File Systems and the Automounter

For simplicity and robustness, I configured the external backup drives with one large, journaled, ext3 filesystem. Again, I didn't try to optimize for performance, the goal was just to create a large backup filesystem that wasn't terribly slow. Note, I did label the filesystem on each disk as backup1 and backup2 respectively. This is important because it provides an easy programmatic way to determine which drive is connected. The format command was thus:

mkfs -t ext3 -j -L backup1

By default CentOS detects the usb device and mounts it as /media/<label>. This is not desirable for backups as I wanted to filesystem paths to always be consistent. Remember, I also wanted to use the automounter so that the disk could be physically removed any time it was not being actively used.

Automounter setup was as follows:

  • Enable autofs with /sbin/chkconfig autofs on
  • In /etc/auto.master configure mounts under /misc with a very short timeout of 5 seconds:/misc /etc/auto.misc --timeout=5
  • In /etc/auto.misc specify that /dev/sdd1 will be mounted under /misc/backup:backup -fstype=ext3 :/dev/sdd1

After that I was able to verify the configuration by running /etc/autofs start, plugging in one of the backup drives, and verifying I could access it as /misc/backup.

Time for rsnapshot

rsnapshot uses rsync and hard links to make snapshots of a filesystem. Since it uses hard links, only files actually changed in each snapshot take up additional room. While rsnapshot does not come with CentOS 4, I was able to install one from DAG with no difficulty. It was then necessary to make a few edits to /etc/rsnapshot as follows:

# where to make backups
snapshot_root   /misc/backup
# if the usb drive isn't mounted, don't create the root dir!
no_create_root  1
# number of each level of snapshot to keep
# tune so you don't fill up the backup drive too fast
retain  hourly  3
retain  daily   7
retain  weekly  4
retain  monthly 3
# extra verbosity, for analysis scripts
verbose 4
loglevel 4
logfile /var/log/rsnapshot
# collect stats for later analysis
rsync_long_args --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded --stats
# don't cross filesystem boundaries
one_fs          1
# filesystem trees to back up
backup  /home/          localhost/
backup  /etc/           localhost/
backup  /usr/           localhost/
backup  /var/           localhost/

That was about the extent of the customizations I needed. After this, I was able to enable hourly rsnapshot backups with an entry in /etc/crontabs:

0 */8 * * * root /usr/bin/rsnapshot hourly 2>&1 | tee \
/tmp/rsnapreport-hourly.log | /usr/bin/ \
>>/root/cron/rsnapshot-hourly.log && /bin/echo >> \

I realize that is kind of an ugly cronjob but I'll come back to why I set up that complicated job. Also note that we are only doing backups of the main server currently, but we did do backups of an additional machine via rsync over ssh which rsnapshot supports fully.

Finally I needed a few other crontab entries to perform the daily, weekly, and monthly backups. Note that all other backups past the hourly are really just renaming the latest hourly snapshot.

50 23 * * * root /usr/bin/rsnapshot daily > /tmp/rsnapreport-daily.log
40 23 * * 6 root /usr/bin/rsnapshot weekly > /tmp/rsnapshot-weekly.log
30 23 1 * * root /usr/bin/rsnapshot monthly > /tmp/rsnapshot-monthly.log

Then finally I wanted to run a daily disk usage report script that I wrote:

1 6 * * * root /usr/local/sbin/rsnapshot-du

That script is the reason for the ugly hourly crontab entry. On each hourly run I do two things:

  1. Run the hourly log through the supplied /usr/bin/ script to produce a report for the individual backup run showing how long the run took and how much was backed up from each filesystem.
  2. Collect all hourly reports each day so they can be combined with additional housekeeping information into one simple mailed report. This report includes information such as how much space remains on the attached backup drive, and the filesystem label for the drive.

This nightly email report is critical because it allows us to monitor the amount of free space on the backup drive and verify that the drives get switched out on a regular basis.

Here's what the daily report looks like.

In Practice

This backup system has now been running on the main server for about two years, with great success. In particular the ability for non-admins to recover files from the snapshots has been very popular.

Initially we started with two 500GB external drives in the rotation. After one year, one of these drives failed, and space was getting a little tight, so we upgraded to 2TB drives. The modular nature of the automounted disk backups makes this change (and switching backup drives in general) very simple. All you need to tell an untrained operator is to wait until the drive light isn't flashing, unplug it, and plug in the new drive. When we added the new larger drives to the rotation we just had to format the filesystems ad label them backup3 and backup4. Then we just rotated the new drives in and rotated the one remaining non-failed old drive out.

While this sort of hotswapping of backup drives may sound a little risky, in a small office environment the backup drives end up sitting idle most of the time. We have had no problems with rotating drives every few days, and the external cables and drive enclosures have held up just fine.


The key things I want to emphasize about this setup are that it is cheap and reliable. While this design would probably not scale well in a more demanding environment, for a small office it works just fine. The daily management load is substantially reduced from using a tape drive, and reliability has been excellent. I found it particularly satisfying that we were able to assemble this backup tool using existing software, off the shelf external drives, and a bit of custom scripting. This did not take a huge amount of time, and the hardware investment was only a few hundred dollars. This modularity illustrates the greatest strength of open source software.

Further Reading


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