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I'm MattJhsn.

Before today, Wed Apr 10 2019, this page was last edited on February 29, 2012. That was 2597 days ago, some time in my mind. How's everyone doing? Alrighty then.

my uname -a is: Linux T410 4.15.0-47-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 13 10:40:37 UTC 2019 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux

This is my first (ever) Wiki post. Wow.

I'm a dude that long ago followed in Phil's footsteps and set up a PHP Wiki with pmwiki that has fallen into the bit-bucket of eternity.

I like to to remember PortNumbers.

This page was the number one in rank in a Google Search of my name. Weird, Eh?

Matt's recent internet activity is posted here or

Matt has started and closed a blog.[broken link] The blog was at[broken link] and this[broken link] was the RSS feed.

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